
Deaths and Complications of Childbirth on the Rise for U.S. Moms

 Posted on July 10, 2014 in General

By: Robert Geimer

According to recent reports [1], the rate of deaths and complications among U.S. women giving birth is rising.  Lack of access to prenatal care and complications from obesity and diabetes top the list of factors to blame.  The U.S. is one of only eight countries in which maternal deaths have increased, falling to No. 31 in the world, behind many European and other countries where access to healthcare is guaranteed.

We can do better than this.  We need to educate young women how to stay healthy during pregnancy and to improve access to healthcare during the all-so-important prenatal period.  Thankfully, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides coverage for prenatal and maternity care.  Let’s hope that as more women obtain coverage and access to quality healthcare, the U.S. can return to the top of the list of best places to have a baby.

[1] U.S. slips in world ranking as a great place to have a baby

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