Chicago Truck Driver Fatigue Lawyer

Lawyers Assisting People Injured in Accidents With Tired Semi-Truck Drivers in Chicago, IL
Driving a commercial truck is not an easy task, which is why truck drivers are required to undergo extensive training and follow strict laws and regulations when operating their vehicles. Unfortunately, trucking companies often pressure drivers to bend or break these rules in order to deliver cargo as quickly as possible. This can lead to drivers attempting to drive beyond their capacity to operate their vehicles safely, leading to driver fatigue and driver errors that can cause dangerous truck accidents.
The attorneys of Tomasik Kotin Kasserman, LLC are well-versed in the rules and regulations that truck drivers must follow, and we are dedicated to protecting public safety by holding negligent truck drivers and trucking companies responsible for the damages inflicted in semi-truck accidents. We work to achieve justice for truck accident victims and help them recover the full and fair compensation they deserve.
The Dangers of Truck Driver Fatigue
Trucking companies' profits depend on cargo being delivered as quickly as possible. This means that companies often try to increase these profits by encouraging truck drivers to skirt the laws or break them outright. This includes asking drivers to stay on the road in excess of the maximum number of hours they can drive at a time. However, when truckers ignore these laws and exceed the limit of 11 hours on the road per day or ignore the required resting period of 34 hours after they reach 70 hours of driving in a week, this can have serious consequences.
Studies have found that fatigue has similar effects on a driver's ability to operate their vehicle as drinking alcohol. Staying awake for 18 hours is similar to having a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .05%, and 24 hours without sleep is similar to a BAC of .10%, which is higher than the legal limit of .08%. Drowsiness can affect a driver's reaction time and judgment, causing them to lose control of their truck and collide with other vehicles. In addition, some truck drivers use controlled substances or prescription drugs in an attempt to combat fatigue, and this can also impair their ability to operate their truck safely.
Other Types of Truck Driver Errors
The pressure for truckers to get to their destination as quickly as possible can lead to a variety of other errors, all of which can play a role in tractor-trailer truck accidents. These errors may include:
- Speeding
- Tailgating
- Aggressive or reckless driving
- Illegal lane changes and failure to use signals
- Failure to yield the right of way to other vehicles
- Failure to properly use brakes
- Unsafe navigation of intersections or highway interchanges
Contact a Kane County Truck Accident Lawyer
At TKK, we understand the devastation that a semi-truck accident can have on the drivers or passengers of other vehicles, and we have the knowledge and resources necessary to demonstrate negligence by a truck driver, their employer, and any other liable parties and hold them accountable. We will gather the required evidence, such as a truck driver's logs and police reports, to demonstrate liability for a truck accident, ensuring that you can receive the compensation that fully addresses your injuries and the effects they have had on your life. You deserve a legal advocate who will fight for your best interests and hold the negligent parties responsible for your injuries. Contact our Chicago law office today by calling 312-605-8800 to schedule a free consultation.